In today's market, having exceptional professional photos is critical to the marketing of your home. When prospective buyers are looking at properties online, or in estate agent’s particulars, they often decide if they are interested in viewing in a matter of moments; which is why getting your property photographed well is so important.

Preparing your property for photos will help it to look the best it can, hopefully resulting in more interest in your advert. This could then lead to higher offers and a quicker sale. Our very own James Gibbon, Ongar Branch Partner, always advises 'get the property ready as if the king is coming over for a visit'.

 In today's market, having exceptional professional photos is critical to the marketing of your home. When prospective buyers are looking at properties online, or in estate agent’s particulars, they often decide if they are interested in viewing in a matter of moments; which is why getting your property photographed well is so important.

Preparing your property for photos will help it to look the best it can, hopefully resulting in more interest in your advert. This could then lead to higher offers and a quicker sale. Our very own James Gibbon, Ongar Branch Partner, always advises 'get the property ready as if the king is coming over for a visit'.

Here are a few relatively easy steps you can take to prepare your home for professional photography and help make a fantastic first impression:

  • Clear driveways of vehicles
  • Move or hide bins and litter from the front of your house
  • Declutter as much as possible, let your buyer imagine their own belongings in the room. Less is almost always more and distracting items include dirty laundry, clothing items, wires, tea towels, blankets and toys.
  • Make sure your home is well lit. All lights should be on, including any lamps, and so its worth replacing any light bulbs that have gone out
  • If possible try not to have too many personal photos around the house, removing faces from photos in editing can be time consuming and cause delays to adverts being available
  • A full, fresh fruit bowl, flowers or a plant can add a dash of colour and life into a room
  • In the kitchen clear and clean worktops by hiding dishes, bins, soap and other utensils that cause clutter. Removing photo magnets or decorations from the fridge help presents a tidy feel
  • Keep sinks and taps clean and shiny
  • In the bathroom remove towels, unless they are folded neatly and chosen to compliment the room, keep toilet lids closed and hide shampoos and other cleaning products
  • In the bedroom make your bed, creased sheets and duvet covers can be disguised with blankets or throws, and ensure anything stored under the bed is completely out of sight
  • Arrange cushions to look smart and tidy
  • Wherever possible remove pet paraphernalia and keep pets out of the pictures on the day
  • Clean mirrors and windows around the home
  • Mow the lawn and tidy around the garden, putting away toys or loose hoses
  • Speak to the photographer and discuss if anything additional should be moved on the day

Following these guidelines will ensure your property listing has the best images and attracts the most attention possible. At the very least, the home should be clean and tidy with no distracting elements that will detract from showcasing the potential of the rooms. If in doubt your agent will be able to advise ahead your photography appointment.

